Emanuele Cannizzaro

Ingeniero aeroespacial, desarrollador de software, analista de datos, evangelista de código abierto y transformador empresarial

Perfil de la carrera

Ingeniero con mentalidad empresarial que brinda soluciones basadas en datos y orientadas al cliente para problemas desafiantes con una capacidad demostrada para brindar información valiosa a través de análisis y herramientas avanzadas de big data.

Current Experiencia laboral

Líder de equipo técnico

2019 al presente
Aerobús, Tolosa, Francia
  • Responsable del equipo F&DT de montaje estructural del fuselaje central y el morro del A350 en Toulouse con informes directos al Jefe de

Previous Experiencia laborals

Senior Fatigue and Damage Tolerance Engineer

2015 to 2019
Airbus, Bristol, United Kingdom
  • Responsible for A321 LR Outer Wingbox F&DT Team

Head of Fatigue and Damage Tolerance

2011 to 2015
Assystem UK, Bristol, United Kingdom
  • Responsible for supervising the Time, Cost and Quality aspects of the F&DT deliverables to UK customers
  • Management of the F&DT Teams in UK and Germany
  • Responsible for the technical delivery of Assystem F&DT work package.
  • Responsible for setting the analysis requirements, planning the tasks and deliverables, defining the loads standards, drawings and methods to be used, demonstrating traceability and ensuring consistency across the work packages.

Senior Fatigue and Damage Tolerance Engineer

2004 to 2011
Atkins, Bristol, United Kingdom
  • Direct focal point of the Airbus Team for the Outer Wingbox Work packages delivered produced internally and externally
  • Project Manager of contracts outsourced to companies in UK, Europe and India
  • Responsible for technical delivery of Atkins F&DT work packages and act as Airbus delegated F&DT Signatory for the Ribs and Engine Attachments Work Packages.

Senior Computer Aided Engineer

April 2001 to July 2004
Ricardo, Leamington Spa, United Kingdom
  • Perform numerical simulation of powertrain units

Prooject Engineer

1999 to 2001
Atkins, Bristol, United Kingdom
  • Project engineer supporting many engineering tasks.



2005 - 2017

Member of IMechE

1999 - 2017

Fatigue and Durability Committee Member

2006 - 2015

Airbus Signatory in Fatigue and Damage Tolerance

2015 - 2019

Level 2 Approver and Authoriser

Airbus Signatory in Finite Element Analysis

2015 - 2019

Level 1 Approver and Authoriser


MEng in Aerospace Engineering

September 1992 - November 1998

Five years University Degree with Erasmus placement at Nottingham University, United Kingdom

Mark: Full Mark First Degree (110/110 cum laude)
Thesis: A Virtual Subsonic Wind Tunnel Simulator for educational purposes



The concept of Airframe digital twin consists in capturing and digitalizing real life events happening on a physical product with a particular focus on the A/C event management (quality issue, non-conformity, in-service incidents, …) to compare them with virtual representations of the product. Its purpose is to propose end to end harmonized solutions to manage A/C events during manufacturing and in-service operations.

AF-Twin Data Analyst is an advanced fatigue spectrum analysis and visualization software. It has been designed to ease fatigue spectrum analyses, visualization and sensitivity analysis tasks.

The Time Series Analytics Studio (TSAS) is an integrated collaborative tool suite that enables business oriented time series data exploration and analysis.


  • Data Analyst for Airbus
  • Advanced Data Analyst
  • Foundry experts
  • App Script Advanced Modules
  • Google Cloud Functions Fundamentals
  • Getting Started With Application Development on Google Cloud
  • Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals Core Infrastructure
  • Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure Foundation


  • AWS Developer Getting Started


  • PRIMES 3
  • CATIA V5 interrogation Course and DMU Navigator
  • MSC.Fatigue Introduction Course
  • HyperWorks Update Training Course
  • Basic Training Course
  • Practical Finite Element Modeling Techniques using MSC.Nastran
  • Standard Training Course


Airbus is moving to Google Workspace and MS Office has been identified as a legacy tools that has to be decommissioned. Valid blockers prevent this process. Hackathons have been organised to accelerate the blockers remediation and enable the Google Workspace adoption through a cross-function collaboration The objectives of the Hackathons are:

  • Reinforce the momentum around the decommissioning project and bring together key focal points;
  • Emphasize the choice to move to Google Workspace and its added value for Airbus;
  • Boost people in this journey;
  • Unlock blockers to remove as many Microsoft Office licenses as possible this year;
  • Promote cross-function collaboration.



Repositorios de código abierto

airfare Air Fare
armadillo Armadillo C++ linear algebra library from http://arma.sourceforge.net
emanuelecannizzaro.github.io Repository of personal website @ https://emanuelecannizzaro.github.io
felyx Clone of http://felyx.sourceforge.net/
ferespost ferespost
flight_delays A bokeh dashboard of Flight Delays
google_colaboratory Google Colaboratory
h5nastran a python module for Finite Element results in HDF5
h5nastran2 A refactored issue of h5Nastran