Emanuele Cannizzaro

12 Calle de Gramont, Villa 2, Colomiers, 31770, Francia · Emanuele.Cannizzaro@gmail.com

Ingeniero con mentalidad empresarial que brinda soluciones basadas en datos y orientadas al cliente para problemas desafiantes con una capacidad demostrada para brindar información valiosa a través de análisis y herramientas avanzadas de big data.

Experiencia laboral

Líder de equipo técnico


  • Responsable del equipo F&DT de montaje estructural del fuselaje central y el morro del A350 en Toulouse con informes directos al Jefe de

2019 al presente

Senior Fatigue and Damage Tolerance Engineer


  • Responsible for A321 LR Outer Wingbox F&DT Team

2015 to 2019

Head of Fatigue and Damage Tolerance

Assystem UK

  • Responsible for supervising the Time, Cost and Quality aspects of the F&DT deliverables to UK customers
  • Management of the F&DT Teams in UK and Germany
  • Responsible for the technical delivery of Assystem F&DT work package.
  • Responsible for setting the analysis requirements, planning the tasks and deliverables, defining the loads standards, drawings and methods to be used, demonstrating traceability and ensuring consistency across the work packages.

2011 to 2015

Senior Fatigue and Damage Tolerance Engineer


  • Direct focal point of the Airbus Team for the Outer Wingbox Work packages delivered produced internally and externally
  • Project Manager of contracts outsourced to companies in UK, Europe and India
  • Responsible for technical delivery of Atkins F&DT work packages and act as Airbus delegated F&DT Signatory for the Ribs and Engine Attachments Work Packages.

2004 to 2011

Senior Computer Aided Engineer


  • Perform numerical simulation of powertrain units

April 2001 to July 2004

Prooject Engineer


  • Project engineer supporting many engineering tasks.

1999 to 2001

Università degli Studi di Palermo

MEng in Aerospace Engineering
MEng in Aerospace Engineering

Full Mark First Degree (110/110 cum laude)

September 1992 - November 1998

Programming Languages & Tools
  • Mobile-First, Responsive Design
  • Cross Browser Testing & Debugging
  • Cross Functional Teams
  • Agile Development & Scrum


Apart from being a web developer, I enjoy most of my time being outdoors. In the winter, I am an avid skier and novice ice climber. During the warmer months here in Colorado, I enjoy mountain biking, free climbing, and kayaking.

When forced indoors, I follow a number of sci-fi and fantasy genre movies and television shows, I am an aspiring chef, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the front-end web development world.

Awards & Certifications

  • Google Analytics Certified Developer
  • Mobile Web Specialist - Google Certification
  • 1 st Place - University of Colorado Boulder - Emerging Tech Competition 2009
  • 1 st Place - University of Colorado Boulder - Adobe Creative Jam 2008 (UI Design Category)
  • 2 nd Place - University of Colorado Boulder - Emerging Tech Competition 2008
  • 1 st Place - James Buchanan High School - Hackathon 2006
  • 3 rd Place - James Buchanan High School - Hackathon 2005